
Dr. Aby K. Thomas
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. Aby K Thomas is a Professor in the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering. He holds a Doctorate in Electronics and Communication Engineering specialized in Wireless Sensor Networks. He comes with close to three decades of industrial, academic and research experience. Prior to joining Alliance University, he has worked in various academic and administrative capacities at reputed institutions.
Dr. Thomas had been a delegate in the 10th Indian Business Mission to Australia by Indo-Australian Chamber of Commerce. He has published many research articles in peer reviewed and Scopus indexed International journals and holds a patent in the field of biosensors for nuclear applications. His research interests are in Wireless Sensor Networks and IOT implementations.
Dr. Thomas has co-authored two textbooks in Electronics and is a Fellow of IETE (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers) and a member of IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology).
- Sakthidasan@Sankaran, Aby K Thomas, P.Thirumarai Selvan, R.Vallikannu (2020) “Automatic Prediction of Environmental Hazardous Gas Leakage Using Machine Learning Technique and Wireless Sensor Networks , Journal of Green Engineering, Vol. 10_7, 4053–4066
- A, Aby K Thomas, (2019) “A Novel FFT Architecture for an Efficient Utilization of OFDM Using Adaptive FFT Method”, “Recent Trends and Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things”, Springer, ISRL Series.
- Aby K Thomas, Vallikannu R, Sai Advait Narayanan (2018), “Minimizing the energy consumption of WSN by using modified hybrid energy efficient distributed clustering protocol” International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol.7, 758-763.
- A, Aby K Thomas, (2018) ," Design Of 32-Point Split Radix Based Multipath Delay Commutator FFT Architecture for Low Power applications”, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS),Vol.10.
- Rajesh Shyamala Devi, A. George, Aby K Thomas, (2018), "Performance investigation of low power radio duty cycling MAC for resource constrained WSN”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology(IJET),7(1.9), 93- 98.
- A, Aby K Thomas, Sudheer.S.K(2017), "Design and Implementation of an Efficient FFT Processor using Modified Booth Multiplier”, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Vol.10.
- Harihara sutharsan, Aby.K.Thomas (2016) “Area and Power Optimization of AES Algorithm Using Modified Mix Column with Composite S-Box”, International Journal for Research in Science Engineering and Technology, Vol.3, Issue 3, pp. 12-24.
- Nivedha , Aby.K.Thomas (2015), “Rotated Hybrid, Energy-Efficient and Distributed (R-HEED) Clustering Protocol in WSN”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10, No.20.
- K. Thomas and Devanathan R. (2015), “An Analysis of the Performance of Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), Vol.7, Issue:1, pp. 147-153.
- Aswini R Bavani and Aby K Thomas. (2015), “An RTOS based Industrial WirelessSensor Network using Multiprocessor Support”, International Journal of ComputerApplications ,114(4):8-11.
- K. Thomas and Devanathan R. (2014), “Hybrid Re-Clustering Algorithm for Enhancement of Network Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS), Vol.9, Issue: 9, pp. 1548-1553.
- Aby K Thomas and Devanathan R. (2014), “Multilevel Hierarchical DLQ Algorithm for Network Discovery in WSN”, Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), Vol. 5, Issues: 5, pp. 177-185.
- R Karthik, K. Thomas. (2014), “Automated Train Control System with Real Time Train Tracking Facility Based On GPS and Onboard Disaster Prevention Network”, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)Volume 3,Issue4.
- Aby K Thomas, Uma Maheswari. S and Devanathan R. (2014), “Energy, Distance and Duty cycle based Re-clustering protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Vol.3, Issues :3, pp. 275-279.
- Aby K Thomas and Devanathan R. (2012), “Variable Duty-Cycle Based Efficient Network Discovery in WSN”, European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 93, Issue :2, pp. 226-278.
- Aby K Thomas and Devanathan R. (2012), “Minimization of Energy Consumption using Cluster Head Election Algorithm in WSN”, Hindustan Journal, Vol.5 , Issue :1, pp. 42- 47.
- Alen Rajan, Aby K Thomas and Rejin Mathew(2012) A Comparative Performance Analysis of ARM based Web Servers with Integrated and External Ethernet Interfaces for Industrial Applications. International Journal of Computer Applications 44(21):28-35.
- Aby K Thomas and R Devanathan (2012 ) “Energy Efficient U-Connect-C Protocolfor Neighbourhood Discovery in a Clustered WSN”, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Image Processing and Networking , Volume :8, Special Issue 1,ISSN No:0973-2993, Pages 210-214,Noorul Islam University.
- Alen Rajan, K. Thomas(2012) “A Comparative Performance Analysis Of ARM Based Web Servers With Integrated And External Ethernet Interfaces For Industrial Applications” International Journal Of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) VOLUME 44– NO.21, APRIL 2012.
- Shilpa Suresh, K.Thomas (2012)” ACO Based Clustering Protocol For Resource Constrained Mobile Adhoc Networks” International Journal Of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Vol. 43– No.8, APRIL 2012.
- Aby K Thomas, R.Devanathan(2011), “Energy Efficient Dynamic Multi-level Hierarchical Clustering Technique for Network Discovery in Wireless Sensor Networks”, The International conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunication and Control Systems & Workshops (ICUMT), 5-7-Oct-2011, Budapest, Hungary. (Scopus Indexed)
- Aby K Thomas, Rittu Simon(2011), “Secret Key Generation for Fading Wireless Channel”, International Journal of Computer Applications, IJCA proceeding on International Conference on VLSI, Communication & Instrumentation (ICVCI),(1) 21-24-2011 Published by Foundation of Computer.
Books Published
- ‘Electronic Devices’ Vijay Nicole,2013 with Reeba Korah ‘Electric Circuits and Electron Devices’, Mc Graw Hill 2012,with Reeba Korah.
International Conferences
- A. P. Sooriamala, Aby. K. Thomas and Reeba. Korah (2021) "Reduction of Garbage Outputs and Constant Inputs in Design of Combinational Circuits Using Reversible Logic," 2021 Sixth International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), pp. 330-334,
- A. P. Sooriamala, Aby K Thomas , Reeba Korah (2019), Study on Reversible Logic Circuits and Analysis, Alliance International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AICAAM) ISBN:978-93-5361-299-3
- Aathira S, Aby K Thomas(2017) Secure and Energy Efficient Communication with Certificateless Effective Key Management Techniques in Dynamic Wireless Sensor Network, Second International Conference on Innovative and Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology(ICIETET-2017) ISBN:978-93-81208-90-8 Page:603-606
- Prem Sangeet, Aby K Thomas (2017) Detection and Analysis of Biomedical Teeth Image Processing Using MATLAB International Intellectual Convergence on Advances in Science and Technology(IIASE-2017) ISBN:975-93-81208-76-8 Page:103-106
- Nivedha, Aby K Thomas (2015) Rotated Hybrid, Energy Efficient and Distributed (R- HEED) Clustering Protocol in WSN,2nd IEEE International Conference on Innovations in Information’s Embedded and Communication Systems(ICIIECE’15) ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.20 (2015) (Scopus Indexed)
- K.Thomas, Anusruthy.S, R.Devanathan (2013), “Distance And Link Quality Based Energy Constrained Network Discovery In WSN”, International Conference On Advances In Computer Science And Information Technology, ISBN:978-81- 924031-8-2
- Kavita, Aby K Thomas (2013), Implementation Of Multihop Clustering Routing Protocol For Energy Saving In Wireless Sensor Network”, International Conference On Advanced Engineering & Technology, Chennai, PP. 215-218
- Naga Madhuri Krishna, Aby K. Thomas (2013) “ An Efficient Scheme For Neighbour Discovery In Wireless Sensor Network” International Conference On VLSI and Communications ISBN:978-81-964031,Pages 24-26.
- A Rajan, Aby K Thomas (2012) ,”ARM Based Embedded Web Server for Industrial Applications” . International Conference on Computing and Control