
Dr. A. Ezil Sam Leni
Alliance College of Engineering and Design
Dr. A. Ezil Sam Leni is a Professor who specializes in teaching various computer science subjects, including Distributed Systems, Computer and Wireless Networks, Information Retrieval techniques, Multicore Computing, Advanced Computer Architecture, Data Science, and Deep Learning.
She holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Sathyabama University, Chennai, where her research focused on "A Study on Performance of TCP/IP using Proactive Vertical Handoff Algorithm in IP-Based Next Generation Wireless Systems." Prior to that, she earned a Master's degree (M.E) in Computer Science and Engineering from Sathyabama University, Chennai, and a Bachelor's degree (B.E) in Computer Science and Engineering from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
- Ezil Sam Leni, R. Shankar, R. Thiagarajan, Vishal Ratansing Patil, “Block-chain based Secure Data Access over Internet of Health Application Things (IHoT)”, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp.1484-1502, May 31, 2023
- Manoharan L., and Ezil Sam Leni.A (2021),” Distributed Uneven Clustering Mechanism for Energy Efficient WSN”, Wireless Personal Communication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-021-08628-4.
- Usha Nandini. D and Ezil Sam Leni. A (2019), “Efficient shadow detection by using PSO segmentation and region-based boundary detection technique”, The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 75, No. 7, pp. 3522-3533, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-018- 2292-y.
- J Dhanalakshmi and A.Ezil Sam Leni, “Instance Vehicle Monitoring and Tracking with Internet of Things using Arduino”, International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, Special issue, pp.124-135, 2017.
- Hani Mary Sheniha, D J and Ezil Sam Leni. A (2016), “Survey of web content mining and relation extraction techniques”, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, Vol. 8, Issue 4, December 2016, Pages 22996-23009.
- Ankayarkanni and A.Ezil Sam Leni, “Various Clustering Techniques for Segmentation of Satellite Images”, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Serials Publications, ISSN: 0974-5572, 2014.
- Ankayarkanni and A.Ezil Sam Leni (2016), “GABC based Neuro-Fuzzy Classifier with Multi Kernel Segmentation for Satellite Image Classification”, Journal of Biomedical Research: Computational Life Science and Smarter Technological Advancement, ISSN 0970-938X Special Issue: S158-S165, 2016.
- Usha Nandini and A.Ezil Sam Leni, “Shadow Identification Using Ant Colony Optimization”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology ISSN: 1992- 8645, Vol.78, No.2, pp.195-200, August 2015.
- Ezil Sam Leni A. and Srivatsa S.K., “Bandwidth Estimation in Wireless Networks (TCP-BWIW) to Improve TCP Performance in wireless Communication Networks”, International Journal of Information Science and Technology, Vol.5, No.2, pp.83-91, 2007.
- Ezil Sam Leni A and Srivatsa S.K, “A Method to Reduce Handoff Delay for Improving TCP/IP Performance in Next Generation Wireless Networks”, International Journal of Information Sciences and Computing, Vol. 3, Issue 3, pp.56-61, 2009.
- Ezil Sam Leni A and Srivatsa S.K, “A Multilayer Based Mechanism to Reduce Handoff Delay in Next Generation Wireless Networks”, Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 3, Issue 6, pp.1248-1257, 2009.
- Ezil Sam Leni A and Srivatsa S.K, “A Novel Mechanism to Reduce Handoff Delay in Next Generation Wireless Networks”, Advances in Wireless and Mobile Communications, Vol. 1, pp.37-49, 2008.
- Ezil Sam Leni A and Srivatsa S.K, “TCP-Timestamp: Bandwidth Estimation Algorithm to Improve TCP Performance in Integrated Communication Networks”, Asian Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 5, Issue 6, pp.598-602, 2006.
- Ezil Sam Leni A. and Srivatsa S.K. (2007), “A Congestion Control Algorithm to improve TCP/IP Performance in Next Generation Wireless Networks,” Advances in Wireless and Mobile Communications, Vol.2, issue 1, pp.37-49, 2010.
- Ankayarkanni and A.Ezil Sam Leni, “A Technique for Classification of High Resolution Satellite Images using Object-Based Segmentation ”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology , Little Lion Scientific Islamabad Pakistan Publications, Vol 68, No.2, PP. 275-286, ISSN: 1992-8645, 2014.
- R.Shinu Golbin and A.Ezil Sam Leni, "Identification of Spine Diseases with Variation in Aging Lumbar Spine using Factor Analysis", International Journal of Emerging Technology in Computer Science and Electronics (IJETCSE),ISSN:0976- 1353,pp.542- 544,volume 21,Issue 3,April 2016.
- Usha Nandini, A.Ezil Sam Leni and Mary Binu Aswini, “An Improved Shadow Segmentation method for Colour Images based on Intensity”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, vol.5, issue 3,2015.
- R.Shinu Golbin and A.Ezil Sam Leni, "Detection of Spine Diseases by Feature Change in Aging Lumbar Spine using Factor Analysis", International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology(IJETST),ISSN:2348-9480,volume 03,Issue 06,pp.4176- 4181,June 2016.
- Usha Nandini and A.Ezil Sam Leni, “Shadow Identification Using Ant Colony Optimization”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology ISSN: 1992- 8645, Vol.78, No.2 , pp.195-200, August 2015.
- Ankayarkanni and A.Ezil Sam Leni, “Object Based Segmentation Techniques for Classification of Satellite Image”, Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), Vol. 5 No.3 Jun-Jul 2014, pp 120-125. ISSN: 0976-5166
- Ezil Sam Leni A, Prasanth S and Sanjay R, “Automatic Emotion Recognition using Hybrid Feature Extraction using Deep Learning with EEG signals”, International Journal on Science and Advance Research in Technology”, vol.4, issue 4, 2018.
- Usha Nandini and A.Ezil Sam Leni, “Efficient Shadow Detection by using PSO Segmentation and Region-Based Boundary Detection Technique”, Journal of Computing, pp.1-12, 2018.
- Dhivya and A.Ezil Sam Leni, “Automatic Detection of Data Conflicts and Web Service Composition for Banking Service using Reconcillation Algorithm”, International Journal of Emerging Technology in Computer Science and Electronics, Vol.21, issue.3,pp.609-612,April 2016.
- Manoharan L and Ezil Sam Leni A, “Heuristic Local Search Algorithm for Improving Cluster and Routing Stability in Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7, No. 4.19, p. 988-993, Nov. 2018. ISSN 2227-524X.
- Manoharan L and Ezil Sam Leni A, “Energy optimized load balancing clustering for WSN using preference function”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7, No. 4.19, p. 988-993, Nov. 2018. ISSN 2227-524X.
- Usha Nandini and A.Ezil Sam Leni and A.Mary Binu Aswini, “An improved shadow segmentation method for colour images based on intensity”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol.5, Issue 3, March-2014.
Awards won:
- Best Faculty award by JEPPIAAR Group of Institutions in 2013.
- Academic Excellence Award by JEPPIAAR Group of Institutions in 2013,2014 and 2016.
- Best Paper Award for paper titled, “A Farmer Support System with Crop Maintenance Schedule Integrated with Chatbot and Weather Prediction using Prophet in R”, ICIES’18 by JEPPIAAR SRR Engineering College, Chennai.
- Best Paper Award for paper titled, “Human Emotion Recognition from Video using Support Vector Machines and Particle Swarm Optimization”, ICIES’18 by JEPPIAAR SRR Engineering College, Chennai.
- Patent entitled, “Identification for Memory Loss Patients using Eigenface Algorithm”, with Application No.201641044091, Date of filing of Application :23/12/2016 and Publication Date: 29/06/2018, FER submitted in January 2021.
- Mentor for the project entitled, “Farmer Support System with crop maintenance scheduling integrated with a chatbot and weather prediction”, which won State Ministry Award, in Smart India Hackathon 2018–software Edition, under the Ministry of Agriculture and Climate Change in Government of
- Received project grant from AICTE-AQIS under FDP titled, “Cognitive Computing and Machine Learning”, 2017-2018.
- Received project grant from AICTE under UBA, 2019.
- Received project grant from AICTE under Seminar titled, “Research Challenges in Data Mining and Data Warehousing”, June
- Received project grant from Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology under Student Project Scheme (SPS) for the project titled, “Daemon Electricity Consumption Monitoring and Alerting through Web Services”,
- Received project grant from Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology under Student Project Scheme (SPS) for the project titled, “Detection of Spine diseases with variation in aging lumbar spine using factor analysis”,
- Reviewer for the Springer Journal of Supercomputing.
- Reviewer for the journal IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.
- Reviewer and session chair for IEEE International Conferences.
Conference papers:
- Ankayarkanni and A.Ezil Sam Leni (2016), “An Efficient Image Retrieval System for Remote Sensing Images”, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT), pp: 1-5, ISBN: 978-1-5090-1277-0., 2016.
- Ankayarkanni and A.Ezil Sam Leni, “A New Statistical Rule Model for Image Retrieval System of Remote Sensing Images”, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies pp: 1-5, ISBN: 978-1-5090-1277-0., 2016.
- Usha Nandini and A.Ezil Sam Leni, “A Survey of the Existing Shadow Detection Techniques”, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computing Technologies, 10.1109/ICCICCT. 2014.6992951 pp.175-1772015.
- Ezil Sam Leni A. and Srivatsa S.K. (2007), “A Handoff Mechanism to Improve TCP Performance in Next Generation Wireless Networks”, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Sensor and Related Networks (SENNET-07), pp. 277-282, 2007.
- Ezil Sam Leni A. and Srivatsa S.K. (2007), “Data Link Layer and Network Layer based Handoff Mechanism to Improve TCP Performance in Next Generation Wireless Networks”, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Emerging Trends in Information Science and Computer Technology (ETIC-2007), pp. 118-125, 2007.
- Ezil Sam Leni A. and Srivatsa S.K. (2007), “A Congestion Control Algorithm for TCP to Tolerate Wireless Channel Errors in Next Generation Wireless Networks”, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Trendz in Information Sciences and Computing (TISC-2007), pp. 16-21,2007.
- Ezil Sam Leni A. and Srivatsa S.K. (2007), “A Receiver Based Handover Mechanism to Improve TCP Performance in Wireless Networks”, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Trendz in Information Sciences and Computing (TISC-2007), pp. 126-132,2007.
- Ezil Sam Leni A. and Srivatsa S.K. (2007), “A Packet scheduling Mechanism to Improve TCP performance in 4G Wireless Networks”, Proc. of Nat. Conf. on Information Management (NCIM-2007), pp. 135-143,2007.
- Ezil Sam Leni A. and Srivatsa S.K., “Bandwidth Estimation Algorithm to Improve TCP Performance in Integrated Wireless Networks”, Proc. of Nat. Conf. on Advanced Electronics Communication Engineering, ADELCO-2006, pp. 25-32, 2006.
- Ezil Sam Leni A. and Srivatsa S.K., ‘A Handover Mechanism for TCP Congestion Control in Third Generation Wireless Networks”, Proc. of Nat. Conf. on Emerging trends in Signal Processing and Communication (ETSPC-2007), pp. 310-315,2007.
- Rajasekaran and A.Ezil Sam Leni, “Privacy Preserving Personalized AD- Dissemination based on Interest Aggregation and Piggy Backing”, Proc. of 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Computer Technologies, April, 2016.
- Ankayarkanni and A.Ezil Sam Leni, “Classification of High Resolution Satellite Images using Object Based Segmentation”, Proc. of 13th National Conference on Emerging Trends in VLSI, Embedded and Nano Technologies,Vol.1, pp. 92-96, 2013.
- Dhivya and A.Ezil Sam Leni, “Automatic Detection of Data Conflicts and Web Service Composition for Banking Service using Reconcillation Algorithm”, Proc. of International Conference on Research in Engineering, April 2016.
- Arifa, R.Karthicka and A.Ezil Sam Leni, “Remote Health Monitoring System using Pulse and Temperature Sensors using Arduino”, Proc. of National Conference on Networking, Imaging and Green Computing, March 2017.
- Ezil Sam Leni, A.Arifa and R.Karthicka “Health Monitoring System based on IoT using Pulse and Temperature Sensors”, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Science, Technology and Management, March 2017.
- Gayathri, N.Kavitha and A.Ezil Sam Leni, “A Software Defined Network Approach for Power Management and Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Proc. of National Conference on Networking, Imaging and Green Computing, March 2017.
- Dhanalakshmi and A.Ezil Sam Leni, “Instance Vehicle Monitoring and Tracking with IoT using Arduino”, Proc. of International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences, March 2017.
- Rajasekaran and A.Ezil Sam Leni, “An efficient and Effective Query Retrieval in P2P Environment using Dynamic Query Retrieval Algorithms”, Proc. of International conference on Innovations in Engineering and Sciences (ICIES’18), pp.6, 2018.
- Ezil Sam Leni A and Janani J.A, “A Farmer Support System with Crop Maintenance Schedule Integrated with Chatbot and Weather Prediction using Prophet in R”, Proc. of International conference on Innovations in Engineering and Sciences (ICIES’18), pp.34, 2018.
- Ezil Sam Leni A, Indira Priyadharshinin M and Mahalakshmi J, “Design and Development of Blood Leakage Detection System during Hemodialysis using Self Organising Algorithm”, Proc. of International conference on Innovations in Engineering and Sciences (ICIES’18), pp.29, 2018.
- Ezil Sam Leni A, Gokul Kumar M and Balaji N, “Human Emotion Recognition from Video using Support Vector Machines and Particle Swarm Optimization”, Proc. of International conference on Innovations in Engineering and Sciences (ICIES’18), pp.35, 2018.
- Ezil Sam Leni A, Dinesh Kumar S and Jaiganesh S, “Design and development of Lung Nodule Detection System using Deep Learning Algorithm”, Proc. of International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Sciences (ICIES’18), pp.42, 2018.
- Sajitha N, Nivetha D, Priya Sudharshini S and Ezil Sam Leni A, “Engagement Detection for ADHD Children Using Convolutional Neural Network and Design Of Math Practicing System During Virtual Learning Environments”, Proc. of International virtual conference on Industry 4.0, 2022. (To be indexed in Springer)
- Srivarshan S, Stanes Solomon. S, Roshan T, Ezil Sam Leni A, “Detection of kidney stones from histopathological images using Transfer Learning”, of IEEE International Conference on Innovative Computing, Intelligent Communication and Smart Electrical Systems (ICSES), 2022. (To be indexed in IEEE).
- Ezil Sam Leni A, Prasanth S, Jackulin Sam Gini A, Sanjay R, “Automatic Analysis of Human Emotions from Physiological Signals with Hybrid Feature Extraction using Convolutional Neural Networks”, 1st International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision, Anna University,15, Chennai,2017
Conferences organized and coordinated
- International conference on Innovations in Engineering and Sciences (ICIES’18), JEPPIAAR SRR Engineering College, 2018.
- International conference on Trendz in Information Sciences and Computing (TISC), Sathyabama University, 2008.