Visiting/Adjunct Faculty

Dr. Badrinath Narasimhan
Visiting Faculty, Alliance Ascent College
Dr Badrinath Narasimhan Midde carries over two decades of collective industry and teaching experience. He has a Bachelors in Engineering, 1998 and has completed his Masters in Business Administration in 2000. Further he has to his credit PhD in Management Science and has successfully qualified the National Eligibility test (NET) conducted by University Grants Commission(UGC).
Dr Badrinath has served various institutions as teaching faculty, to name a few are PES University, Bengaluru, and New Horizon College of Engineering among others. Further, he has been an active resource person at VIT University for their research programs.
Awards Won
- Best Resource Person at Canara Bank School of Management Studies (CBSMS) Bangalore University, Bengaluru for the PhD course work on Methods and Measures in Data Analysis, 2023
- Distinguished Service Award by Imperial Institute of Advanced Management, B-School, Affiliated to Bangalore University 2022
- Best contributing paper titled “Predictors of Career Satisfaction and Moderating Role of Career Discrepancy: A conceptual framework” at National Conference organized by Kamadhenu College of Arts and Science, Sathyamangalam, Tamil Nadu, 2020
- Best Quiz Master award for Business Aptitude awarded by Don Bosco College of Management under Pondicherry University, 2020
- Best Faculty Award by PES University, Bengaluru, 2014
- Badrinath, M.N., Kumar, S.A.V. and Dinesh, N., 2012. Labour dissonance at Maruti Suzuki India Limited–a case study on industrial relations. Global Research Analysis, 1(5), pp.72-74.
- Badrinath, M.N. and R. , 2017. A Study on the satisfaction of Self Help groups (SHG) members and its influence on financial and organizational performance. Journal of Advanced research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 9(17), pp.679-689.
- Badrinath, M.N. and R. , 2017. A conceptual framework on factors enhancing financial sustainability of Self-help groups: Recognizing market ori- entation and market strategy as key determinants. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 117(15), pp.655-666.
- Badrinath,M.N.,Rangamani,K.,andR.Venkatesh.,2017.MarketOrientation as a Tool for Performance: Some Evidences from Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in TamilNadu, India. International Journal of Economic Research, 14(16), pp.18.
- Badrinath, M.N. and R. , 2018. The Role of Psychological empowerment and its moderating effect between market strategy and Organizational Performance: A Conceptual Framework, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 120(5), pp. 1337 – 1349
- Badrinath, M.N. and Shastry, V., 2020. Role of Social Media, Its Increased Adoption and Usage Among Brands: A Business to Business (B2B) Perspective. Studies in Indian Place Names, 40(67), pp.93-104.
- Badrinath, M.N. 2020. A Review on Indian Electronics Industry and Recruitment Challenges. Interdisciplinary Journal of History, 6(13), pp.22-31.
- Badrinath, M.N., Venkatesh S Shastry., Dinesh N. Sustaining Real Estate Sector through Technological Interventions: Purchase Intention of Residential Apartment Buyers, Kermische Zeitschrift Journal, Vol 6, Issue 9, September 2022
- Badrinath M N, Venkatesh S Shastry, “ A Review on National Education Policy, 2020” Adarsh Journal of Management Research, Vol 14, Issue 2, September, 2022
- Dr Revathy Shivashankaran, Dr M N Badrinath, "A Study on Mediating impact of Upskilling on determinants of Moon lighting: A conceptual model", IJRAR - International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138, Volume.9, Issue 4, Page No pp.159-168, December 2022, Available at :
Book (S) & Book Chapters
- “Marketing for Customer Value”, First Semester MBA, Bangalore University Syllabus, Thakur Publications, 2023
- “ Entrepreneurship & Ethics” Second Semester MBA, Bangalore University syllabus, Thakur Publications, 2023
- “E-Business for commerce and management”, B.Com II Semester, Bangalore University, 2022
- “ Sustaining Real Estate Sector through Technological Innovations” Book Chapter in Brain Bloomers, II Edition, 2022
Conference Paper(S)
- Badrinath M N, “Predictors of Career Satisfaction and Moderating Role of Career Discrepancy: A conceptual framework” at National Conference organized by Kamadhenu College of Arts and Science, Sathyamangalam, Tamil Nadu, 2020
- Badrinath M N, Venkatesh S Shastry and Anupama G “ Consumer Attitude and their Purchase Intention : A Review of Literature” presented at Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune, November, 2020
- Badrinath M N and Venkatesh Shastry “ National Education Policy, 2020, Performance Indicator, Accountability and Chasm” Adarsh Institute of Management Studies, September, 2022
Other Achievements
- Consulted Samastha Microfinance in providing training and marketing strategies to Self Help Groups (SHGs) in Bengaluru under the Shree sakthi schemes supported by various banks and government agencies, (2011 -2013)
- Provided consulting to Hynetic Electronics Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru for their research on e-marketing strategies and e-commerce portal efficacy for selling semiconductor components to electronics design and manufacturing companies (2015 – 2018)
- Resource Person for Research methodology and data analysis for impact publication. Have conducted more than 10 programs on various software supporting swift publications.
- External Examiner visiting numerous colleges for conduct of Viva Voce under the Panel of Examiners Bangalore University (BU), Bengaluru
- Member – Board of Studies (BoS), Bangalore University (BU)
- Mentor and Coach for Union Public Service Exams (UPSC)