Oxford-Alliance Faculty

Bojana Vitanova
D.Phil., Brasenose college
Bojana is a DPhil candidate at Brasenose college. She is writing her thesis on the challenges which the digital economy presents to European contract law and on how to complete a Digital Single Market. She previously completed the First Bavarian State Exam at the LMU Munich, a Diploma in Legal Studies at Oxford (Prize for the Best overall performance), and the MJur at Oxford as a Peter Carter Scholar and Law Faculty MJur Scholar (winning the Law Faculty’s Clifford Chance Prize, Proxime Accessit and a Wadham College Results Prize). Her current research is supported by the Winter Williams Studentship and a Graduate Assistance Fund Scholarship.
Bojana has also collaborated with Oxford Pro Bono Publico on numerous occasions and currently serves as a member of the OPBP executive committee. She was also an associate editor of the Oxford Business Law Blog. Currently she is one of the convenors of the EU Law Discussion Group.