International Faculty

Dr. Alexander Jordan
Ph.D. - European University Institute, Italy
History and Civilization
Dr. Alexander Jordan received his Ph.D. and Master of Research from the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. He has subsequently held a post-doctoral scholarship at the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi in Turin, and a Marie Curie CO-FUND fellowship at the Max-Weber-Kolleg, University of Erfurt. Currently, he has been an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Lichtenberg-Kolleg, University of Goettingen. Dr. Jordan also holds a Master’s degree from the Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris.
Dr. Jordan’s research has focused primarily upon the thought of Thomas Carlyle, one of the towering figures of Victorian intellectual life. He has already published several research articles and hopes to soon complete a monograph on Carlyle.