PoliticX aims to create an inclusive environment at Alliance University where students can explore power dynamics and engage with power relations while promoting individual emancipation and collective empowerment. By transcending traditional academic discussions and incorporating experiential learning and innovative methods inspired by Paulo Freire’s pedagogy of freedom—which emphasizes through ethics and civic courage the agonistic values of democratic politics—the club will challenge conventional assumptions and broaden members' perspectives by encouraging a critical examination of mechanisms of influence, authority, and legitimacy. It seeks to deepen understanding of political phenomena, disrupt the status quo, and prepare members to become agents of change in a multipolar world order. By addressing complex issues with multifaceted solutions and integrating diverse perspectives, the club will build versatile skills and leadership qualities while equipping students with the tools to mobilize and lead initiatives for societal transformation. These activities will foster autonomy, independent thinking, strategic insight, and effective engagement in both academic and real-world contexts. Youth activism and student politics being crucial for shaping political culture and driving social change, reflecting democratic values such as isonomia (equality before the law), isegoria (equal opportunity to speak), and parrhesia (speaking openly, frankly and bluntly), politicX will play a pivotal role by providing a structured platform for political and cultural change, social awareness, and civic engagement. Through its initiatives, it will encourage students to participate in debates, promote dialogue, and lead meaningful actions. By aligning with these ideals, the club will serve as a safe space where students can express their convictions, reveal their identities, exercise their rights, influence the community, and contribute to a more equitable and engaged future.
As the academic club of Political Science, PoliticX seeks to transcend traditional notions of academic events that perpetuate existing structures of domination reflecting the standardization, corporatization and spectacularization of contemporary education. Instead, our vision for the club is to be a transformative platform that prioritizes genuine intellectual engagement through the cultivation of initiatives that challenge norms, privileges and hierarchies to foster a more horizontal, inclusive, and critical approach: rather than simply organizing “events”, which can feel like marketing exercises that reinforce the status quo, our initiatives will aim to: 1) empower student voices by providing platforms for diverse and marginalized perspectives; 2) encourage critical engagement by prioritizing critical thinking and the questioning of dominant narratives; 3) stimulate creativity by embracing unconventional methods and interdisciplinary approaches, integrating arts, media, and culture in ways that go beyond mere entertainment; 4) promote integrity by cultivating a sense of social responsibility and ethical engagement; 5) develop collaborative mindset by rejecting top-down dissemination of knowledge.