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74th Constitution Day: Honoring the Founding Document of the Nation
27 November, 2023Alliance University, Alliance University Legal Services Clinic on the 27th of November, under the guidance of Professor Shreshth Bhatnagar, Faculty Coordinator, Alliance University, Legal Services Clinic, the student members of AULSC delved into the history and significance of the 74th Constitution Day to remind and revitalize the significance of the Indian Constitution. Professor (Dr.) C.S. Patil, Former Vice – Chancellor of Karnataka State Law University, Hubbali, delivered an impeccable lecture on the auspicious occasion.
The student Members of Alliance University Legal Services Clinic put up a simulacrum of ‘The Themis’ or ‘Lady Justice’ which thereby depicted the significance of the sword, the blindfold, and the weighing scale which we are familiar with.
The students were written about the importance of the Supreme Court of India tracing its history followed by a brief note on the National Emblem, along with highlighting contribution of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in making of the Constitution followed by his famous 51 quotes. We also put forth the Fundamental Rights (Article 14 – 18) which also included the eminent personalities such as Mahatma Gandhi, etc., who struggled for our rights and duties. We also mentioned the various landmark judgements which were made during the, then period along with the 106 Constitutional Amendments. We also reflected upon the Government of India Act 1935 and 1919, which was followed by the key components of the Preamble and the importance of January 26, 1950. We notably mentioned the issues faced by the Constitutional Assembly during the drafting of the Indian Constitution and briefly stated about the members of the drafting committee of the Indian Constitution. We also wrote about various other eminent personalities such as K.M. Munshi, Govind Ballabh Pant, etc., about their contribution which was followed by a brief note on the National Flag and the National Anthem which covered both sides of the atrium.
Our main objective was to spread awareness about the Importance of the Indian Constitution to awaken the people who fail to exercise their rights and duties using the legal system of the country, which the members of Alliance University Legal Services Clinic strongly felt should be conveyed. For, the Constitution protects our rights all day and night and we must realize that our people have yet to learn it as the Constitution is not a mere lawyer’s document, it is a vehicle of life, and its spirit is always the spirit of the age. - B.R. Ambedkar