Center of Excellence (CoE) - Propulsion Systems
We are delighted to announce the opening of the Centre of Excellence for Propulsion Systems at Alliance University, a premier hub dedicated to pioneering research and innovation in propulsion technologies. Our Centre is established with the vision of becoming a leading authority in the development and advancement of propulsion systems, addressing the dynamic needs of the aerospace and defense industries.
To become a globally acclaimed hub for propulsion systems innovation, the Centre of Excellence for Propulsion Systems aspires to lead advancements in aerospace technology through cutting-edge research and development. We aim to foster a dynamic environment that encourages the creation of sustainable, efficient, and high-performance propulsion solutions while nurturing the next generation of engineers and scientists. By collaborating with industry, government, and academic partners, we strive to address the challenges of tomorrow, ensuring a sustainable and technologically advanced future in propulsion systems.
Our mission is to foster a collaborative environment that brings together experts, researchers, and students to explore cutting-edge propulsion technologies.

Propulsion Systems

Dr. Syed Alay Hashim
Director - Centre of Excellence (Propulsion Systems)
Dr. S. A. Hashim earned his Ph.D. from the Department of Aerospace Engineering at IIT Kharagpur, specializing in aircraft and rocket propulsion. During his Ph.D., he developed systems for processing and testing hybrid fuels and propellants. With over a decade of experience in both teaching and research, his work spans various fields, including ducted rocket propulsion, ramjets, energetic nano particle combustion, and micro gasturbine engines.
Currently, he is focused on advancing research in boron combustion in ducted rocket applications.
- Hashim, S.A., Karmakar, S., and Roy, A. (2024). Evaluation of Boron Combustion for Ducted Rocket Applications Using Condensed Product Analysis. Defence Science Journal, 74(2), 278-287.
- Yash, P., Mahotmananda, N., Hashim, S.A., and Mengu, D. (2023). Exploring the Potential of Boron Carbide in Enhancing Energy Output of Solid Fuels for Hybrid Rocket Propulsion systems. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 49(1), e202300173.
- Saugata, M., Hashim, S.A., Roy, A., and Karmakar, S. (2023). A Short Review of Challenges and Prospects of Boron-Laden Solid Fuels for Ramjet Applications. FirePhysChem, 3(3), 179-200.
- Hashim, S.A., Islam, M., Kangle, S., Karmakar, S., and Roy, A. (2021). Performance Evaluation of Boron/Hydroxyl-Terminated Polybutadiene-Based Solid Fuels Containing Activated Charcoal. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets/AIAA Journal, 58(2), 363-374.
- Hashim, S.A., Karmakar, S., and Roy, A. (2019). Experimental Observation and Characterization of B–HTPB-Based Solid Fuel with Addition of Iron Particles for Hybrid Gas Generator in Ducted Rocket Applications. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 44(7), 896-907.
- Hashim, S.A., Karmakar, S., and Roy, A. (2019). Effects of Ti and Mg Particles on Combustion Characteristics of Boron–HTPB-Based Solid Fuels for Hybrid Gas Generator in Ducted Rocket Applications. Acta Astronautica, 160, 125–137. (Top 10/IIT KGP)
- Hashim, S.A., Karmakar, S., and Roy, A. (2018). Combustion Characteristics of Boron-HTPB-Based Solid Fuels for Hybrid Gas Generator in Ducted Rocket Applications. Combustion Science and Technology, 191(11), 2082–2100.
- Hashim, S.A., Karmakar, S., Roy, A., and Srivastava, S.K. (2018). Regression Rates and Burning Characteristics of Boron-Loaded Paraffin-Wax Solid Fuels in Ducted Rocket Applications. Combustion and Flame, 191, 287-297. (Top 10/IIT KGP).
- Hashim, S.A. (2013). Design and Fabrication of An Annular Combustion Chamber for the Micro Gas Turbine Engine Applications. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 2(8), 1307-1314.
- Paul, P. M., Thomas, A. K., Hashim, S. A., Harsha, K. S., Mahesh, M., Goutham, and Prince. (2024). Automatic Screw Jack Mobile Controller for Car Lifting Using the Car Battery. In International Conference on Microelectronics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunication (pp. 309-320). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
- Rakesh, D., Mandal, S., Karmakar, S., Roy, A., and Hashim, S. A. (2024). Effect of ABS Fin Thickness on Combustion Performance of ABS/Paraffin Solid Fuel Grain. AIAA SCITECH 2024, 0970. doi/abs/10.2514/6.2024-0970
- Hashim, S. A., and Dharmalingam, S. (2023). Design of Smooth Supersonic Nozzle Profile Using Method of Characteristics. AIP Publishing, 2821(1).
- Mandal, S., Hashim, S.A., Karmakar, S., and Roy, A. (2023). Experimental Investigation of Boron Laden Paraffin Wax-Based Solid Fuel for Ducted Rocket Application, The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. AIAA SCITECH 2023.
- Hashim, S.A., Karmakar, S., Roy, A., and Sheikh, S. (2020). Performance Evaluation of Boron Particles with Wax–HTPB-Based Solid Fuel for the Primary Combustor in Ducted Rocket Applications. Increasing Role of Indian Aerospace Industries for Aeronautics, Space Projects and Systems. Annual Technical Volume of Aerospace Engineering Division Board. The Institution of Engineers India, 4, 91-98. ISBN 978-81-950662-4-7
- Hashim, S.A., Karmakar, S., Roy, A., and Sheikh, S. (2020). Performance Evaluation of Boron Particles with Wax–HTPB-Based Solid Fuel for the Primary Combustor in Ducted Rocket Applications. National Conference on Emerging Technologies in Aerospace Structures, Materials and Propulsion Systems. The Institution of Engineers Pune, India, 7-13. ISBN 978-81-942561-9-9
- Hashim, S.A., Kangle, S., Karmakar, S., and Roy, A. (2018). Screening of Nano-Aluminum Based Solid Fuels for The Hybrid Rocket Applications, The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. AIAA SCITECH 2018.
- Hashim, S.A., Kangle, S., Karmakar, S., and Roy, A. (2018). Performance Augmentation of Boron-HTPB Based Solid Fuels by Energetic Additives for Hybrid Gas Generator in Ducted Rocket Applications. Innovative Design and Development Practices in Aerospace and Automotive Engineering. Springer Singapore, 143-157. ISBN 978-981-13-2697-4
- Hashim, S.A., Lahariya M., Karmakar, S., and Roy, A. (2016). Calculation of Theoretical Performance of Boron-Based Composite Solid Propellant for the Future Applications. Innovative Design and Development Practices in Aerospace and Automotive Engineering. Springer Singapore, 327–335. ISBN 978-981-10-1771-1
- Hashim, S.A., Manish, N., Mishra, D., and Ahuja, K. (2014). Reduction of the passage between the flame tubes of the combustor for a millimeter size gas turbine engine in the art of micromachine technology. Innovative Design and Development Practices in Aerospace and Automotive Engineering. Springer Singapore, 197–205. ISBN 978-81-322-1871-5
- Mishra, D., Batabyal, P., Arah, A.A., Parashotambhai, A.P., Hashim, S.A. (2024). Boron Combustion Enhancement Using Titanium and Zirconium Nanoparticles for Fuel in Ducted Rocket Applications. Global Conference on Aeronautical, Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences (GCAAMS-2024), India.
- Hashim, S.A., Parashotambhai, A.P., Arah, A.A., Batabyal, P., Mandal, S., Karmakar, S., and Roy. A. (2024). Impact of Zirconium Nanoparticles on Boron-Paraffin Wax-Based Hybrid Propellant in Ducted Rocket Applications. International Conference on Advances in Aerospace and Energy Systems (IAES- 2024), ISRO, India.
- Rakesh, D., Mandal, S., Karmakar, S., Roy, A., & Hashim, S. A. (2024). Effect of ABS Fin Thickness on Combustion Performance of ABS/Paraffin Solid Fuel Grain. In AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum (p. 0970).
- Hashim, S.A., Arah, A.A., Parashotambhai, A.P., Ahmed, M.A., Mandal, S., Karmakar, S., and Roy. A. (2023). Experimental Evaluation of Boron-Titanium-Based Solid Fuel Using a Lab-Scale Ducted Rocket Motor, First Joint International Conference on Advances in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ATCON 2: ICAMAE 2023), India, pp. 232.
- Abubakar, M., Onimisi, M.A., Aliyu, A.B., and Hashim. S.A. (2023). Characterization and Corrosion Behavior of Al and Ternary Al-Zn-Mg Alloy Produced from Beverage can Scraps in Seawater, First Joint International Conference on Advances in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ATCON 2: ICAMAE 2023), India, pp. 22.
- Paul, M., Thomas, A.K., Hashim, S.A., Mahesh., Kilaru, H., Gowtham., and Prince. (2023). Automatic Screw Jack Mobile Controller for Car Lifting using the Car Battery, 8th International Conference on Micro-Electronics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunications, (ICMEET 2023), National Institute of Technology Mizoram, India.
- Hashim, S.A., Mondal, S., Rakesh, D., Karmakar, S., and Roy, A. (2023). Experimental Investigation of Boron Laden Paraffin Wax-Based Solid Fuel for Ducted Rocket Application, 13th International Symposium on Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion and Energetic Materials (13-ISICP), Oslo, Norway.
- Hashim, S.A., Karmakar, S., and Roy, A. (2023). Experimental Investigation of Boron Laden Paraffin Wax-Based Solid Fuel for Ducted Rocket Application, The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, National Harbor, MD, USA.
- Dhruv, P., C Dipali, C., Sathish, D., and Hashim, S.A. (2022). Computational Studies on Unstart in Supersonic Inlet at Mach 1.8. International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (ICSET-2022) Rajkot, Gujarat, India.
- Hashim, S.A., and Sathish, D. (2022). Design of Smooth Supersonic Nozzle Profile Using Method of Characteristics. International Conference on Contemporary Innovations in Mechanical Engineering (CIME-2022), Hyderabad, India.
- Sheikh, S., Shubham, P., Hashim, S.A., Karmakar, S., and Roy, A. (2020). Design and Testing of Missile Launcher-Based Drone for Defense Applications. International Conference, AeSI-2020 on Aviation Technology- Current Scenario, The Aeronautical Society of India, Kolkata Chapter, India.
- Hashim, S.A., Karmakar, S., Roy, A., and Sheikh, S. (2019). Performance Evaluation of Boron Particles with Wax–HTPB-Based Solid Fuel for The Primary Combustor in Ducted Rocket Applications. National Conference on Emerging Technologies in Aerospace Structures, Materials and Propulsion Systems, The Institution of Engineers, Pune Chapter, India.
- Hashim, S.A., Islam, M., Karmakar S., and Roy A. (2018). Effects Of Iron Particles on Boron–HTPB-Based Solid Fuel for SFDR Applications Using Rapid Screening Instrument, National Aerospace Propulsion Conference, NAPC, IIT Kharagpur, India.
- Hashim, S.A., Kangle, S., Karmakar, S., and Roy, A. (2018). Screening of Nano-Aluminum Based Solid Fuels for The Hybrid Rocket Applications, The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Florida, USA. - Hashim, S.A., Kangle, S., Karmakar, S., and Roy, A. (2018). Performance Augmentation of Boron-HTPB Based Solid Fuels by Energetic Additives for Hybrid Gas Generator in Ducted Rocket Applications. Innovative Design and Development Practices in Aerospace and Automotive Engineering, I-DAD, VTU, Chennai, India.
- Hashim, S.A., Kangle, S., Karmakar, S., and Roy A. (2017). Screening of Boron-Based Solid Fuels for Hybrid Rocket Applications, High Energy Material Conference and Exhibits (HEMCE), DRDO Pune, India.
- Hashim, S.A., Kangle, S., Karmakar, S., and Roy A. (2017). Combustion Characteristics of Boron-HTPB Based Solid Fuels for Hybrid Rocket Applications, International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics, ICTACEM, IIT Kharagpur, India.
- Hashim, S.A., Lahariya, M., Karmakar, S., and Roy, A. (2016). Calculation of Theoretical Performance of Boron-Based Composite Solid Propellant for The Future Applications, Innovative Design, Analysis and Development Practices in Aerospace and Automotive Engineering, I-DAD, VTU, Chennai, India.
- Hashim, S.A., Manish, N., Mishra, D., and Ahuja, K. (2014). Reduction of the Passage Between the Flame Tubes of the Combustor for A Millimeter Size Gas Turbine Engine in the Art of Micromachine Technology, Innovative Design, Analysis and Development Practices in Aerospace and Automotive Engineering, I-DAD, VTU, Chennai, India.
- Hashim, S.A., Manish, N., Peter, P., Ahuja, K., and Grover, U. (2013). Low NOx Emission at Maximum Efficiency of the Gas Turbine Engine, Recent trends in applied chemistry (RTAC), VTU Chennai, India.
- Hashim, S.A. (2009). Setting up of Rocket Propellant Processing Facility, Fligen Aero Fest, PCET Coimbatore, India.
The Centre of Excellence for Propulsion Systems is equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories, advanced testing facilities, and simulation tools to support a wide range of research activities. Our facilities include:
- Experimental evaluation of boron combustion.
- Metallized solid fuel processing and testing.
- Hybrid propellant ducted rocket motor setup.
- Micro gas turbine engine combustion chamber rig setup.
- Training / Internship program for both internal and external students throughout the year.
Our research focuses on various aspects of propulsion technology, including but not limited to:
- Hybrid Propellant ducted rocket motor system
- Boron Combustion
- Small Jet Engines and Turbine Technology
- Combustion dynamics and stability

External Advisory Committee Member
- Dr. A. P. Haran
Former Scientist, DRDO - Dr. P. N. Tengli
Former Scientist, DRDO - Mr. Abhay Kumar
Scientist, DRDO
- Dr. Bandi Eswara Kumar
Associate Professor, AU - Dr. Athul Joseph
Assistant Professor, AU
We actively seek collaborations with industry partners, government agencies, and academic institutions to enhance our research capabilities and impact. Our partnerships are designed to facilitate knowledge exchange, joint research projects, and the commercialization of innovative propulsion technologies.
We invite researchers, industry professionals, and students to join us in our mission to advance propulsion technology. Whether through collaborative research, academic programs, or industry partnerships, there are many ways to get involved with our Centre.
Join us as we embark on this exciting journey to push the boundaries of propulsion technology and make significant contributions to the aerospace industry.
Training / Internship
The Centre offers numerous opportunities for students and researchers, including internships, and collaborative projects. Our programs are designed to provide hands-on experience, mentorship, and the skills necessary to excel in the field of propulsion systems. The Centre provides 1-2-day workshops, one-month internships, and three-month project-based training programs.
For more information about the Centre of Excellence for Propulsion Systems, please write us at
Dr. Syed Alay Hashim
Director - Centre of Excellence (Propulsion Systems)
Alliance University, Bangalore, India
P(O): +91 80 4619 9162