About Us

Corporate Social Responsibility at Alliance University has evolved to include the participation of all stakeholders:
Students, faculty, non-government organizations (NGO), Land the local community.
Over the years the students and faculty at the University have actively participated in outreach program initiatives where they contribute their knowledge, skills, and technical expertise to the community. At the same time, the University also has supported the program activities of several NGO's operating in the community.
CSR Activities

Dental check up by Apollo Dental Care
A dental check -up was organized by the CSR Department in collaboration with Apollo Dental Care where 60 faculty, staff and students underwent preliminary oral health checkup.
Professional dentists had come for this diagnostic camp.

Blood Donation Drive
A one day blood donation drive was organized by the CSR department in collaboration with Sankalp India and Rashtrotthana Blood Bank , at the campus where 150 donors donated their valuable blood to gift a life to patients undergoing transfusion for various illnesses.
Lending their hand to support the drive, many faculty and staff members also donated their blood.

Annual NGO Fest
CSR Dept organized the annual NGO fest and had invited a few NGO’S to participate in the fest and display their skills in entrepreneurship through women empowerment. NGO’S participating were : The Belaku Trust, Dwarka, Gramya, Nammangadi, Art of Living, etc.

Earth Day Celebrations
As part of the environment initiative, students celebrated Earth Day on April 22, 2015 and participated in the “ Swacch Bharat Abhiyan” by cleaning the campus lawns and planting a few saplings in the garden lawns.
Poster competition, Paper bag making and flash mob performance was held later during the day and winners were declared. The students came out with various types of bags including mobile case holders made of paper.

Career Guidance Program for Government School Children
CSR Dept in collaboration with Dreampath Foundation organized a "Career Tree "program for the full day for 250 Government School Children from ASB Girls High School, ASB School and Govt. High School, Marasur.
Ms. Krupa Chakravarty, Ms Prathiba and their team of 6 volunteers conducted the interactive sessions with students.
Renowned speakers were invited to speak to the Std X students on the importance of selecting a career after completing Std X. Vocational courses were emphasized to help the students to get into skill training. Personality assessments tests were conducted for each student that help them identify the skills required for every profession. Apart from the session a career exhibition was also organized and booklets were given to the students comprising information of various courses in Bangalore.
A special thanks to Prof Reeba Korah, Prof Priyaranjini Rao and the ACED student volunteers for their excellent support to make the program a grand success.

DE silting of wells at Shivaganga Hills, Tumkur
As part of the community outreach programme of the University, 55 students along with 3 faculty and staff members participated in the de silting of the two community wells ( Kumudvati Rejuvenation Project ) at Shivaganga Hills, Mahimpura, Tumkur. BOSCHLERS along with Art of Living volunteers and the villagers participated in the activity. The students were very enthusiastic and were able to clear 2-3 ft of silt that had collected in the well over the years. The villagers appreciated the students and brought some fruits and lemon juice, cucumber for the students which they relished.
Dr. Pawana Dibbur, Vice Chancellor of Alliance University enthusiastically participated in the cleaning of the wells and appreciated the student team for their efforts.

Science Education Workshop, Film Show, Sky Observatory, Science Quiz and Mobile Science Exhibition in collaboration with VIT Museum
CSR Department & Alliance College of Engineering and Design ( ACED ) in collaboration with Visveswarya Industrial Technical Museum (VIT ) organized a 3 day science workshop, film shows and an exhibition on wheels for 400 Government School Children from Anekal of Std VII to IX at the university campus.
Mr. Biswas and his team from VIT museum conducted the workshop for 3 days ,where 60 children were trained to make mathematical models ( Cube, Tetrahedra, Octahedra, Dodecahedra & Icosahedra ) and other electrical models like the DC Motar, Electric Bell, Static electricity, Pascal Experiment, etc along with the 30 ACED student volunteers and ACED professors.
Science film shows screened were information on space shuttle, Aero shows, Hygiene & Sanitation Global Climate Change, etc followed by a discussion where government teachers and ACED students gave an overview of the visuals.
Exhibition on the Wheels had exhibits that illustrated various aspects of biodiversity, Climate change, Rain forests, Deserts, Species diversity, Spread of species, Genetic diversity etc where the school children interacted with the VIT instructors and the student volunteers.
The University provided the hospitality to the children, who visited the campus for 3 days and quality time, was spent by the students, as they engaged themselves in all the activities.
The science quiz by VIT proved that these children had the potential to go in for higher education provided there is an exposure at the school level itself in terms of science labs, library, IT, etc.

Road Safety Awareness by National Road Safety Organization ( NRSO )
CSR Dept in collaboration with NRSO has organized sessions on road safety for all students at the city campus and at the Central Campus.
Mr. Sathyapal Singh, president of NRSO along with the team conducted the training program where emphasis was laid on road safety measures to be observed by pedestrians and those who ride the two wheelers and drive 4 wheelers. The power point presentation was very informative and emphasis was made to wear seat belts in the car and wear helmets while riding the two wheelers.
Feedback from the students was positive and this information helped them to understand the gravity of accidents occurring on the roads. Students took a pledge from NRSO to keep safe and others safe.